Polk State Education Program uses internship program to help fill classrooms

Posted on by Polk Newsroom

Through its partnership with Polk County Public Schools, the Polk State College Education Program has found innovative ways to create opportunities and address teacher shortages. One of these is the Temporary Teacher Internship Certification Pathway…

Polk State closed 1/20 in observance of MLK Day

Posted on by Polk Newsroom

Polk State College and its collegiate high schools will be closed Monday, January 20, 2025, in observance of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day. Saturday classes will take place as scheduled. Registration will continue to…

Polk State resources support student success on Civic Literacy Exam

Posted on by Polk Newsroom

Passing the Florida Civic Literacy Exam is a newer requirement for Polk State College students to earn an associate or baccalaureate degree. The College is continuing to work to ensure that students are aware and…

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