Films to Photos: Digital Media Technology Program Hosts Annual Student Showcase on May 10
Polk State’s Digital Media Technology program will host its second annual Digital Media Student Showcase at 6 p.m. on Saturday, May 10, in room LTB 1100 on the Lakeland campus. During the event, students will…
Conrad Berganza – Consignment
Conrad Berganza, student of Polk State College in the Digital Media Technology department, interviews Teri Mask, owner of What’s New Consignment shop in Lakeland, Florida. This project is a partial requirement for DIG2284C Advanced Digital…
Ashley Interviews Tennis Pro
Ashley Bramwell, student of Polk State College in the Digital Media Technology department interviews Horace Watkis, a tennis coach. This project is a partial requirement for DIG2284C Advanced Digital Video and Sound taught by Joseph…
Vernon Aguirre Interviews Chuck Wood
Vernon Aguirre completed a mini-doc for his class project for DIG2284C Advanced Digital Video and Sound taught by Joseph O’Brien. Vernon interviewed Chuck Wood, a paraplegic rugby player. The results are simply amazing. Vernon worked…
Justin Rheiner Interviews Julie
Justin Rheiner, student of Polk State College in the Digital Media Technology department, interviews Julie Bowlin, a college freshman. This project is a partial requirement for DIG2284C Advanced Digital Video and Sound taught by Joseph…
Interview with Kickboxer, Revelina Berto
For a class project at Polk State College, James Berto interviews his sister, Revelina Berto–a trained, award-winning kick boxer. The video showcases her skills and motivation for the sport. James took a digital video and…
Drink Red (Brandon, Mo, Dario, Katherine)
Brandon Hosegood, Mo McCourt, Dario Perez, and Katherine Lehman collaborate on this project about responsible drinking. Funny stuff. The project was done in DIG2030C Digital Video and Sound taught by Dr. Gregory Johnson at Polk…
No College (Conrad, Ashley, Tracy)
Conrad Berganza, Ashley Bramwell, and Tracy Sloan collaborate to create a short ad about college. They undertook this project as part of the final requirements in DIG2030C Digital Video and Sound at Polk State College.…
Alzheimer’s – Carlos Lugo
Carlos Lugo took an introductory class to digital video and decided to make an ad on behalf of Alzheimer’s patients. He used his family members to play various roles and came up with this ad.…
Tiger World Gym – James Berto
James’ dad owns a gym. For a class project, James worked with his class mates and came up with the following 30-ad to advertise it. Check it out. He learned his video editing skills in…