Disability Resources

Polk State College was founded on a commitment to access and proudly honors that commitment every day.

Polk State is an Equal Access/Equal Opportunity institution that complies fully with the requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 and other federal and state laws and regulations prohibiting discrimination on the basis of disability or handicap.

The College provides equal and integrated access for individuals with disabilities to all academic, cultural, recreational and employment opportunities it offers.

Our goal is to provide services and support that ensure students and employees are able to access and participate in the many opportunities available at Polk State College. Students and employees are expected and encouraged to utilize the Office of Disability Services—because, at Polk State, nothing will stand in the way of employment or education.


  • The JAWS software reads Web pages, programs, etc., to students who cannot view them.


  • Large screens
  • Roller-ball mice

Accessible Workstations

  • Computers
  • Study Areas
  • Tutoring Areas

Disability Services Advisors

Student Services offers students with disabilities a variety of support.  To contact a disability services advisor,  please refer to the list below:

For the Lakeland campus, Polk State Airside Center, and Polk State Center for Public Safety:
Kimberly Pearsall
Director, Disability & Counseling Services
LTB 1273
Voice: 863.669.2309
Fax: 863.297.1006

For the Winter Haven campus, Polk State JD Alexander Center, and Polk State Clear Springs Advanced Technology Center:

Dionne Formey
ADA Coordinator, Disability Services
Office – WAD-159
Office number – 863.292.3759
Fax – 863.297.1060

For more information, please visit the Office of Disability Services Web page.

TRiO Student Support Services (SSS)

TRiO is a program designed to assist full-time students who are ultimately pursuing a 4-year degree and are either United States citizens or registered aliens. TRiO provides services for:

  • A student with a learning or physical disability OR
  • A student whose family income falls within federal low-income guidelines OR
  • A first-generation college student (neither parent has received a bachelor’s degree)

Polk State Winter Haven
999 Avenue H NE
Winter Haven, FL 33881

Polk State Lakeland
3425 Winter Lake Road
Lakeland, FL  33803

For more information on all of our locations, please visit the Locations Web page. The College’s main number is 863.297.1000.