High School Transition

High School to College Transition – Breakdown for Students with Disabilities

QuestionHigh SchoolCollege
Who is responsible for identifying and documenting accommodations and services?School districts are responsible for identifying, evaluating, and planning educational programs (IEPs) for students.Students are responsible for self-identifying to the college and providing necessary documentation of their disability.
Where do I go to receive accommodations or services?Special education classroom, resource room, related service provider (i.e., speech)Students need to see a Disability Services advisor within Student Services to request accommodations and services. (Services are provided at no additional cost.)
What related services are mandated?School districts must provide rehabilitation counseling, medical services, personal aides, social work, and other services as needed during the school day.Colleges provide physical, academic, and program access. Additional services of a personal nature are the responsibility of the individual.
What documentation is needed to begin receiving services?Documentation and testing is coordinated by the school psychologist or CSE- appointed staff person. The school develops an IEP based on documentation and test results, all paid for by the school.Students must provide documentation as “proof” of a disability (HS records, independent reports, IEP, medical reports, etc.). After high school, students are responsible for paying for any new testing and evaluations.
What is the law for students with disabilities?IDEA (Individuals with Disabilities Education Act)Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), Americans with Disabilities Act Amendments of 1990, 2008
What is the intent of the law?To provide a free, appropriate education for all students with disabilities in the least restrictive environmentEnsures that no otherwise qualified person is discriminated against in a federally-funded program
What about self-advocacy?The parent or guardian is the primary advocate. Students learn about their disability, accommodations they need, and ways to become a self-advocate.Students are expected to be their own advocates.

U.S. Department of Education Information