Polk State Represented in New Leadership Polk Class

Posted on by Polk Newsroom

Polk State College is well represented in recently announced Leadership Polk Class VII.

Members of the new class include Associate Vice President of Strategic Initiatives Naomi Boyer and Polk State Corporate College Business Development Coordinator Stephanie Campbell have both been accepted to the new class. Also included in the class is Polk State Foundation Treasurer Kevin Ashley, an attorney with Peterson & Myers.

Leadership Polk is a Polk Vision program that brings leaders from across the county together for 10 months of learning about the county and issues it faces. During the course of the program, participants engage in expert presentations, location tours and group interactions all to help them gain greater understanding of the county, from its economy to its education system.

Leadership Polk class members are selected based on their leadership abilities, career accomplishments, volunteer activities, contributions to the community, and commitment to Polk County.

Leadership Polk announced members of Class VII during its annual meting in late August.

Polk State’s representation in Class VII opens a new chapter in its involvement with Polk Vision. Prior participants have included Director of Equity and Diversity Valparisa Baker, Polk State Corporate College Director Rob Clancey, District Dean of Academic and Student Services Patricia Jones, Polk State Foundation Executive Director Tracy Porter, Dean of Academic Affairs Martha Santiago, Associate Vice President of Communications and Public Affairs David Steele, and Dean of Student Services Reggie Webb.

Also, earlier this year, the College and District Board of Trustees member and alumnus Greg Littleton received the Spirit of Leadership Polk Award from the Leadership Polk Alumni Association. The award recognizes organizations and individuals working for the good of Polk County as a whole.