Polk State libraries, tutoring & more to return to campus

Polk State College staff and faculty are excited to expand on-campus services for students during the fall semester.
Beginning Monday, August 2, 2021, Polk State will move to Phase III of its Be the Solution: Return to Campus Plan with the majority of services returning to campus and more face-to-face class options available for the Fall 2021 Semester, which starts on August 16.
“We missed seeing our students over the last year and are really looking forward to seeing them in person,” said Courtlann Thomas, Director of Libraries and the Teaching Learning Computing Center (TLCC) on the Lakeland Campus. “During the fall semester, we will be offering face-to-face library, tutoring, and testing services, while still maintaining online academic resources so that students can choose the format that works best for them.”
The COVID-19 pandemic resulted in adjustments to staffing in the Libraries and the TLCCs. As a result, the Libraries and TLCCs have temporarily modified their operating hours for the Fall 2021 Semester.
Beginning August 16, the Libraries and TLCCs will be open:
- 8 a.m. – 7 p.m., Monday – Thursday
- 8 a.m. – 5 p.m., Friday
Polk State’s Libraries will be open, and students will have access to reference assistance, computers, print collections, checkout, and open study areas. Additionally, online assistance will continue with the AskALibrarian service. Polk State librarians will continue to provide email, chat, and video assistance to students through the AskALibrarian link that can be found on the Learning Resources website located at: polk.edu/library-tlcc-tutoring.
Tutoring services will continue to be offered online as well as in limited face-to-face capacities in the TLCCs. Students seeking in-person tutoring are encouraged to check tutor schedules for times and subjects. The link to the tutoring page is here: polk.edu/teaching-learning-computing-center-tlcc/tutoring.
Most online and hybrid courses will continue to use Honorlock for testing; however, the testing centers will be open for in-person testing for students who have a faculty referral and a scheduled appointment, or for students who have special circumstances or hardships. Similarly, PERT testing will continue to be offered remotely with exceptions for special circumstances.
Polk State plans to have Learning Resources at full operational capacity by the Spring 2022 Semester.
The latest information about Polk State’s Libraries and TLCCs, including how to access online academic resources, is available at: polk.edu/library-tlcc-tutoring.