Polk State closed 1/20 in observance of MLK Day

Polk State College and its collegiate high schools will be closed Monday, January 20, 2025, in observance of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day.
Saturday classes will take place as scheduled. Registration will continue to take place for the Spring 2025 Semester’s 12-week classes that will begin on Feb. 3 and eight-week classes that will begin on March 4.
Currently enrolled students can register for classes in the Polk Portal. Prospective students must submit a free online application to Polk State.
Help with admission, advising, registration, and financial aid is available on campus and by email, webchat, and phone.
- Admission assistance is available by email based on the first letter of last name (A-M: admissionsa@polk.edu and N-Z: admissionsz@polk.edu) or by calling 863.297.1000.
- General assistance is available by emailing registrar@polk.edu, calling 863.297.1000, or messaging the webchat in the bottom left corner of the polk.edu/admission-aid page.
- Advising is available by email based on the first letter of last name (A-M: onlineadvisinga@polk.edu and N-Z: onlineadvisingz@polk.edu) or by calling 863.297.1000.
- Financial aid assistance is available by emailing financialaid@polk.edu, calling 863.297.1004, or messaging the webchat in the bottom left corner of the polk.edu/admission-aid page.
- Dual enrollment students should work with their high school advisors and email DEregistration@polk.edu if they need additional assistance.
Throughout the registration and financial aid processes, students should regularly check the Polk Portal and their Polk State email accounts for important information.