Event Date

Polk State SALO Virtual Student Center

By using Zoom, students join in from their laptop, iPad, or phone from anywhere in the country. The artist will sketch the student’s caricature on his computer. Students will be able to watch as he sketches, and then makes the final artwork available for students to download.

Learn different strategies and tips to get you through the stressors of pandemic and everything that comes
with it. Information provided by BayCare and other licensed clinical professionals.
Join us for Eagle Trivia every Tuesday for a chance to win a Publix or Amazon gift card
Various activities including: Sexual Assault Awareness,
SGA updates, online concerts, club updates.
Wear your favorite Polk State shirt, share on SALO social media sites for a chance to win a Publix or
Amazon gift card.

facebook.com/polkstatesalo/    I    @polkstatesalolk    I    @pscwhsalo   I   @wearesalo

To enroll in SALO with Canvas: https://canvas.polk.edu/enroll/M3NAHT
