Event Date

Polk State College

The Clothesline Project – Create Your Own T-shirt

The Clothesline Project is a visual display of art created on colored t-shirts by survivors of physical, sexual, and/or emotional violence to express their feelings and stories of abuse and survival. The shirt is then hung on a clothesline to be viewed by the public as testimony to the problem of interpersonal violence and to let those who may suffer in silence know that they are not alone.

Create your t-shirt at home and post a picture. You can post up to 10 photos.
You have all day to post on SALO’s Facebook, Instagram, or Canvas.
A random student will be selected to win a $25 gift card. *See rules below.

T-shirt Symbolism Chart
The shirts are color-coded to show the form of abuse and whether the victim survived the abuse she (or he) experienced.

WhiteRepresents individuals who died because of domestic violence
Yellow or beigeRepresents battered or assaulted individuals
Red and pinkAre for survivors of rape and sexual assault
Blue and greenT-shirts represent survivors of incest and sexual abuse
Purple or lavenderRepresents individuals attacked because of their sexual orientation
BlackRepresents individuals attacked for political reasons
OrangeRepresents the color of survivor solidarity and/or witnessing abuse

RULES:  *Tag SALO and include #PSCDVAMClotheslineProjectSALO2020
Facebook: Polk State College SALO
Instagram:  @polksalolk   |   @pscwhsalo
Source: http://www.theclotheslineproject.org/aboutshirts.htm
