Polk State Honors Program: Janilice Rivera Wins T-Shirt Design Contest

Posted on by Polk Newsroom

Congratulations to Janilice Rivera, winner of the inaugural Polk State College Honors program t-shirt design contest. The contest, held in March, was in response to the Honors Council request for a modern, brand new design to promote the program and highlight the creative, talented students involved in the program.

Six students submitted sixteen distinctive designs. Representatives from the Honors Program Council, Office of Communications and Public Affairs, and Polk State Administration reviewed the designs, provided input, and selected the top three designs from which Honors program students would vote to select their final choice.

The winning design is a stylish, angled eagle with the words “Higher Purpose,” and it provides a unique and contemporary look. Rivera has been a member of the Honors program since she began at Polk State Collegiate High School. She is currently pursuing her Bachelor in Business Administration degree with a concentration in Management. She hopes to earn her MBA and open her own business in the future.

For Rivera, getting involved in the Honors program has allowed her to make new friends, learn new and exciting skills, and now, use her design skills in a manner which would be beneficial to the program and the school in the years to come.

“As soon as I saw the flyer for the Honors Program T-Shirt design contest, I immediately jumped at the opportunity,” she said. “Having a sense of pride for my college and the honors program, I wanted to leave my mark on the school; letting my fellow classmates know that they have a higher purpose set out for them and that they can achieve great things. When I finally found out that I had won, I was ecstatic knowing that I had achieved my goal of having an influence by uplifting fellow students.”

The Honors Program shirts will be released in fall 2017 and given out to the honors students after the first week of classes.

Upcoming events for the Honors program include:

• Honors Program Council Meetings, April 4 and 20

• New officer elections for the 2017-18 academic year, April 20th at 2:00 p.m.

• Academic Showcase, April 20th at 6:00 pm where students will present a variety of projects to academic administrators, deans, honors faculty, their families, and anyone else who may want to attend. The showcase is a precursor to student presentations at state or national conferences for honors programs.

• Honors Program Recognition Ceremony, April 27 at 6:00 p.m. where students who will graduate in spring are recognized for their achievements. The evening includes a distinguished guest speaker and a performance by the Polk State Vocal Jazz Ensemble. The graduating honors students receive an Honors Medallion to wear at commencement and an Honors Program sticker to affix to their diploma, distinguishing their accomplishments.

To learn more about the Polk State College Honors Program, please visit https://www.polk.edu/honors-program/.