Polk State College to test emergency alert system July 19

Posted on by Polk Newsroom

Polk State College plans to test its emergency alert system Friday, July 19, at 9 a.m. At this time, a test emergency message will be sent to the following communication outlets:

  • Mobile phone numbers that have been entered in PASSPORT (text and audio)
  • Polk.edu email addresses (text)
  • Polk.edu website (text)
  • College Facebook and Twitter accounts (text)
  • College desktop computers (text)
  • College desktop phones (text and audio)
  • College speakers (audio)
  • College digital signs (text)

Polk State advises students and employees to log in to PASSPORT and check under “My Details” or “Change Contact Info” to ensure all contact information is current to receive emergency alerts from the College. Numbers entered in the “Cellular Number” field in the “Personal Information” section will be used for emergency texts and voice messages.